What is a Quality Assurance Inspection?

A quality assurance inspection (also termed as QA) is a comprehensive check of all the work your contractor completed at your home after you have participated in either the Home Energy Performance program, or the Home Energy Assistance program. The inspection itself takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the amount of work that was completed.

On the day of your inspection, one of our credentialed inspectors will come to your home with their identification and a list of measures that were completed. Using this list, your inspector will go to the newly insulated areas of your home, inspect the insulation measures, take pictures and notes, and ultimately write a report to forward back to your utility.

The benefit of participating in this inspection is that you it will afford you the opportunity to ask any questions or express any concerns about the work that was done. During the inspection, should the inspector see any improvements or necessary corrections, he may then request that the contractor complete the work prior to the project being closed out.

I just received a call from youR company, why?

If you received a call, voicemail, or email from us, we are Horizon Residential, the third party contractor that is hired by your heating utility company to conduct quality assurance inspections on the weatherization work completed through their programs. We inspect the work your contractor completed for either the Home Energy Performance program, or Home Energy Assistance. Your contractor may (or may not) have mentioned to you that there was a potential for us to reach out to you to conduct a final quality inspection. We are hired by the Utilities and are required to inspect 10% of the work of each invoice that your contractor submits before they can receive payment for their work. This inspection helps to maintain the program’s integrity and ensure that the money being spent (whether yours, the utility’s or both!) is being utilized efficiently and is cost effective.

My energy contractor already did his/her inspection! Why should I schedule another one with you guys?

Horizon Residential is an unbiased third party contractor hired by the Utility that oversees your contractor’s work. You could consider that we are the final step before the project is completed. Our inspection differs from your contractor’s as it is the last step before the work is paid for. Our inspection is simply to ensure that the work was done completely, correctly, and to the program’s standard. The inspection will address any questions or concerns that you may have about the project.

Is the QA required?

If you are contacted by us to set up an appointment, then yes, it is required. The QA Inspection is part of the initial contract that you signed authorizing the work. Item 4: Customer’s Responsibility to Allow Inspections, on the signature page of your proposal, states that you: the customer, agree to allow your utility or its representative to visit your home to verify installation or to conduct one or more post-installation inspections of the work listed on the contract.


what should i do if I have a problem with the work after it is complete?   

If you discover a problem or have a question about the work after completed, you should reach out to your contractor for resolution.